Monday, October 1, 2012

Time to turn the calendar!

I cannot believe it is October already!  The first month of school has flown by.  In the speech-language room we have been busy.  During the month of September we have worked on understanding our individual goals and objectives.  This is often difficult for elementary aged kids.  At the beginning of each session, I provide each student with their individual learning target for the session.  At the end of each session, I asked them what they worked on or learned.  We will be transforming these into I Can statements during the month of October.  For example, I Can describe items with 3-4 attributes, I Can say my sound in words and sentences, I Can answer WH questions, I Can state synonyms. 

For language group in Mrs. Lea's class we will be focusing on Harvest Time and Halloween during the month of October.  We are adding new books to our adapted library as well as electronic books on the Smartboard and iPad.  We will continue cooking, playing interactive games, and reading stories.  Group time provides many opportunities to practice speech and language skills and address carryover from the speech room to the classroom. 

Good Luck to all my third graders who will be taking the OAA tomorrow!

The end of the month will close out the first quarter.  Look for speech-language progress notes in the student report cards. 


  1. I'm working with my students to understand their speech language goals, as well. I really like your idea on expanding it in October by creating I Can statements. I believe it's important for my students to know exactly why they come to speech and what it is we're working on. (If they see how we work on it through a game in speech, they can possibly transfer that to household activities.)

    Talking With Rebecca

  2. Thanks for your comment Rebecca. We use I Can statements district wide so I decided to incorporate into speech and language therapy this year. I didn't realize how difficult it would be for some students to verbalize their goals. I was finding many students didn't know why they came to see me or thought it was all about playing games. My hope is that the I Can statements will help them understand what we are working towards.
