Today ends the second quarter of school as well as the first semester. I've been busy collecting and calculating data. I am amazed at how far the kids have come since the beginning of the school year. Progress notes will be sent home with the student report cards next week so be on the look out. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. IEP annual reviews will be here before we know it. Much of February and March will be spent probing for new goals and objectives based upon when the annual review is due as well as assessing those students who are due for their three year reevaluation. Along with all that, we will continue to address current goals and objectives that have not yet been mastered. Topics for group language lessons in Mrs. Lea's class will include Valentines Day, Friends, Fairy Tales, and St. Patrick's Day. As we move from Winter to Spring near the end of the third quarter we will begin to touch upon the change of seasons.
Mrs. Hodgson