Monday, November 5, 2012

Second Quarter

Halloween is finally behind us after being extended into November thanks to Hurricane Sandy.  We've changed our clocks back, the days seem shorter,  and now we begin the second quarter of school.  Report cards will be issued this week.  Please look for speech and language progress notes included in the report card envelope.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call. 

In Mrs. Lea's class we will be discussing winter holidays and weather changes during our class lessons.  We will be reading many adapted books related to the seasons, playing games, cooking, and working on the Smartboard and iPads throught the next two months.  If your child receives monthly progress notes, keep in mind we combine the months of November and December due to the holiday breaks.  You will receive your next report in December. 

Individual therapy sessions are running smoothly.  For the most part the kids are taking responsibility of coming down on time, bringing their folders, and working hard during our sessions.  Some students have not been bringing their folders.  We use folders to keep sticker incentives and to send home work completed in class.  If you have not seen a folder come home, please ask your child about this.  I remind them each time, to put the folders in their backpacks to take home. 

Happy November
Mrs. Hodgson

Monday, October 1, 2012

Time to turn the calendar!

I cannot believe it is October already!  The first month of school has flown by.  In the speech-language room we have been busy.  During the month of September we have worked on understanding our individual goals and objectives.  This is often difficult for elementary aged kids.  At the beginning of each session, I provide each student with their individual learning target for the session.  At the end of each session, I asked them what they worked on or learned.  We will be transforming these into I Can statements during the month of October.  For example, I Can describe items with 3-4 attributes, I Can say my sound in words and sentences, I Can answer WH questions, I Can state synonyms. 

For language group in Mrs. Lea's class we will be focusing on Harvest Time and Halloween during the month of October.  We are adding new books to our adapted library as well as electronic books on the Smartboard and iPad.  We will continue cooking, playing interactive games, and reading stories.  Group time provides many opportunities to practice speech and language skills and address carryover from the speech room to the classroom. 

Good Luck to all my third graders who will be taking the OAA tomorrow!

The end of the month will close out the first quarter.  Look for speech-language progress notes in the student report cards. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

And we're off....

The first three days of school flew by.  I had a great time meeting all the new kinders during Phase In and speech-language screening.  What a wonderful group of kids!  I cannot wait to watch them grow this year.  This will be the first week I will be seeing my current caseload of kids.  I will spend the week collecting baseline data, introducing "speech-buddies", and reviewing goals and rules for speech-language sessions.  I will conclude the week with our first language group in Mrs. Lea's class on Friday morning.  We will be reading an adapted book about school and reviewing school related vocabulary.  We will take turns completing iPad activities related to the theme as well as our individual IEP objectives.  Everyone will get a turn to show what they know! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How do social and behavioral skills such as listening and paying attention affect childrens' success?

Medical News Today released an article on how the ability to listen, pay attention, and complete important tasks is crucial for success later in life.  Click on the link below to read the entire article.

Medical News Today

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time to Turn the Calendar

It's August 1st and I cannot believe the summer is coming to an end.  Just four short weeks and the kiddos will be back in school.  What's on my mind?  Organizing my room, scheduling my caseload, screening the kindergartners, and gathering baseline data.  The first week of school will consist of professional development activities for staff on Monday August 27th and Tuesday August 28th.  Kindergarten screening will take place during Phase In on August 29th-August 30th.  I will be at Highland Drive again this year on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays.  Ms. Vacel will be at Highland Drive on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  We will be collaborating with eachother as well as with the classroom teachers to come up with the best schedule possible for all our students.  I am looking forward to another successful school year!!

Mrs. Hodgson

Friday, May 4, 2012

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month

In honor of Better Speech and Hearing Month the following companies have Apps on sale:
Super Duper Publication: app special May 1-7 1.99
Smarty Ears: 50% off sale UNTIL MAY 9th
                     Custom Boards Premium
                     Articulate It 
                     Name It
                     SLP Goal Bank
                     Minimal Pair Acadamy


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fourth Quarter

I cannot believe the third quarter has ended.  Be sure to check report card envelopes for third quarter progress notes.  Report cards go home Friday, March 30th.  I will be meeting with many parents during upcoming IEP meetings.  Below are some highlights for the next quarter:

Social Group: We began our unit on problem solving last week.  We will continue with problem solving and then move onto social inferencing and perspective taking to round out the school year.

Ms. Padolina's Classroom Language Group:  During the month of April we will be reading about spring, Easter eggs, and gardens.  We will continue use adapted books, interactive games, and cooking activities to focus on and work on carryover of IEP goals/objectives.  Upcoming themes include Farm and Zoo animals for the month of May.

One more week until Spring Break!  I hope you all have a wonderful break with family and friends.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Social Skills Topics

We just finished up our unit on conversation skills.  During the months of March and April, we will focus on problem solving skills.  We will round out the school year with social inferencing.

March Theme for Ms. Padonina's Class

During the month of March we will be learning about St. Patrick's Day, Leprechauns, Frogs, Bugs, and Bunnies.  We will continue to address story comprehension, expressive and receptive vocabulary, turn-taking, and following directions.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February Theme for Ms. Padolina's Classroom Lessons

The theme for February is Valentines Day, Friends, and Fairy Tales.  Throughout the month, we will be reading adapted stories, cooking, and playing games related to the themes all while working on our IEP goals/objectives.  We continue to address:
Answering questions (yes/no who, what, when, where, why, how)
Vocabulary (categories, parts, what doesn't belong, classification)
Sequencing events and stories
Using voice output devices as necessary
Following oral directions
Articulation and syntax

Idioms of the Week 1/31/12 and 2/6/12

Idiom: She has a heart of gold
Really means: She is a kind, generous person

Idiom: I'm on top of the world
Really means: I'm very happy

Monday, January 9, 2012

Idiom of the Week of 1/9/12

Idiom: Stay on your toes
Really means: Pay close attention

January Theme for Ms. Padolina's Class

Throughout the month of January, we will be reading books about winter, snow, and the many fun activities of winter.  We will continue to read adapted books, play interactive games, and cook while focusing on individual IEP goals and objectives.  The adapted books for this month are:
The Jacket I wear in the Snow
A Cold and Snowy Day
The Mitten
Five Little Snowflakes